Rugby World Cup and absenteeism

Well, once again sport takes over NZ businesses!  Go the All Blacks but just how should you manage your staff when their rugby support limits their productivity?

Well even Business.GOVT.NZ, the government site, have given some guidelines on this

Best by far, if you have not already done so, is to guide your employees up front.  Let's face it they will watch - so can you manage to flex their hours, or are you going to suggest they apply for leave - albeit only for a part-day?  No-one wants conflict over this; but neither do you want staff turning up to work under the influence or falling asleep.

So tell them, and guide them on how they can watch if they want to, without falling foul of your needs.

And if you do decide to take disciplinary action please call me first, so we can get the process right.

Need help managing staff?

Mike has a wealth of experience advising on every aspect of the employer-employee relationship. I can give you per-phone guidance or work along side you to make things happen.

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