Covid-19 – Accessing Resurgence Support

Tuesday 24th August 2021

The sad thing, of course, is that we are still at level 4 – but we need to keep SI free of cases, so let’s trust this works.  In the meantime, in addition to claiming the wage subsidy, you can now claim for the Resurgence support.  Different criteria and requirements, but it will produce $1500 plus $400 per FTE (rounded up in total) to a max of 50 FTE or four times the revenue loss (whichever is less). 


Applications are now open for this Subsidy, but to be able to access it there are a few hurdles to jump through.  This is to provide you with guidance on that process:


  • In terms of the Resurgence Support Subsidy, here are some general guidelines:

    • It can be applied for now – and will be open until one month after returning to level 1. So, you have time.

    • It is not as easy to apply for as the Wage Subsidy – for example you have to have the exact amount of your revenue for the period of loss as well as for the comparative period.

    • To access the Subsidy there are a number of eligibility criteria you must meet, including:
      • You must be able to show that your revenue for the 7-day period commencing with the increase from level 1 (or a later date if the whole 7-day period is within the higher level) is at least 30% lower than your revenue for a typical 7-day period between 6 July – 16 August. Do not assume – you will need to provide the exact revenue figures as part of the application.  (Income excludes all rental and passive income like interest)
      • You must have been in business for at least 6 months.
      • The reduction in revenue must be clearly the result of the change in alert levels, as opposed to a wider loss due to covid/travel bubbles etc.
      • I recommend you read through the entire eligibility criteria (accessed from the application page below) before you start applying. They have a number of very useful examples at the bottom of the criteria page.

    • To apply follow the guidelines on this page

    • This can be applied for if you are self-employed. You will need your NZBN.

  • Note that this subsidy has to be spent on the business – but it can be spent on capital projects as well as operating expenses.

If you have specific questions that come to mind as a result of this, please email me – the chances are that others have them too, and I will send regular updates for a few days anyway.


Essential HR are here to help.  For ongoing help, contact Mike on 027 2808546 or or leave a message on 03 3650532 – our landline is not monitored, but all messages are immediately emailed to us, so we can still respond reasonably quickly – apologies for any delays in reaching us on cell phones. 

I’m happy for you to pass this on to others.

If you need to conference call, we are all set up with Zoom.

Need help managing staff?

Mike has a wealth of experience advising on every aspect of the employer-employee relationship. I can give you per-phone guidance or work along side you to make things happen.

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